Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Minute with a Daily Dose of Reality

 Monday Minute

Hello there!
On my other Cluttered Brain blog I posted Monday mingle. Which is great and all but since this blog needs more posts and stuff I figured I would post Monday Minute on this blog. If that is ok with y'all. It should be.
Because it's my choice to have WAY too many dang blogs anyway. Right?

This week Ian has a co-host! (Have you met Brittany @ Not your Average Teen?
Well, she co-hosted with Ian this week. She is the cool gal that let me dance to Cotton Eyed Joe on Friday WITHOUT a Wii.

Crazy I know.

Now on to the questions.
1. Have I ever had any feelings towards any of my teachers back in the day? I am pretty sure I had a crush on  at least one of my teachers. But for the life of me I cannot remember who. I will tell you one thing, If my teacher was Mr. Benjamin Bratt I'd have a crush. Holy Moly! I'd have a crush. He can teach me anything anytime!
<---Image obtained thru Google images legally. :)

2. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happen to me at work?
  Hmm. Well, way back in the day I used to work at a fast-food chain called Bullet's in Virginia. They served fresh orders of yummy burgers and had some great fries. Anyway, I was cashier. One of my managers who was in his twenties, I was about 16, was extremely good-looking. I thought he flirted with me, I couldn't be sure. One time he caught me looking his direction. We smiled at each other. I was oh so embarassed! I mean, I couldn't like him. He was my manager for crying out loud! HE was so HAWT though.

3.  When is the last time I crapped myself?
  Well, first of all I try NOT to make a habit of this.  But way back when I was 18 and I used to work at King's Dominion theme park I started to drive home from work. During the ride home, I felt the stomach cramps come on. I took the highway home, but to my knowledge there was really no stopping at a bathroom. I was driving through a city late at night and I was pretty scared to stop anyway. So I tried to hold it in. The poo that is. Well, next thing I know I had runny brown poo squirt out in my undies. I had 10 minutes to get home still.
Grr... I went home, cleaned the car, thankfully the poo had been ALL in my underwear, (maybe that is NOT a good thing) but it did not ruin the seats. Took off my underwear, threw them away in the garbage, and took a shower.  But from here on out I always stop to potty. Even if I'm on a highway somewhere. One time I pooed on the side of a major highway. That is another story entirely though. But NOT in my undies. Thank Goodness!

4. What is one thing that I always had a secret and why have  I kept it a secret this long?
Are you ready? Shh. Don't tell anybody, K? You know Cookie Monster? I am secretly in love with him. 'Cause he always has the best chocolate chip cookies EVER! And me want cookie now!!!!!

Yum. Yum. Yum. Yum.

5. What's your best advice for us coffee drinkers as to not have to poop after drinking it?
Hmm. Portable toilet maybe. Pour fiber in your coffee? (Maybe not, that might make it worse.)
I wonder why Dr. Pepper never makes me run to the toilet to poo. Hmm. I just don't know. If I find out, I'll let you know, K? ;)
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  1. Thats awesome, the poop story. and I was like wtf yo, following me again?

  2. Am I following you from my other Google acct too?
    I hadn't realized.

    Thanks fer checking my post out.

  3. WOOOO!! Benjamin Bratt...I'm with you on that one! Too funny about the poo story! LOL Following you here now!

  4. It is not the caffeine that gives the belly aches from coffee.

  5. I just want to say that I have read more poop stories today than the law should allow! Funny nonetheless!!

  6. yes, yes Donda it is true, poop happens.
    I can't lie.
    Thanks fer following!

  7. Too funny. My husband has the poop after coffee issue too.. although we gave up coffee. He seems to poop after anything.. even just water. My husband has never weighed more than 140. I swear one day they'll find the tapeworm...


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